I held a 4-day session of piano camp this past week which was a lot of fun! I started running summer day camps in my home 10 years ago, when I was looking for fun, productive things for my own children to be involved in over the summer. At the time, my children were 6 and 4. I was having trouble finding activities which were well organized, well supervised, and appropriate for this age. Many of the basic day camps, such as YMCA camps, are held in our area from 8 am to 5 pm. They include kids from ages 4-16. They take as many kids as they can and the student to counselor ratio can be large. I wanted a small camp where the kids were well attended and highly engaged, so I started my own! I am still enjoying holding it every summer! I love spending time with my students in a relaxed atmosphere and I love having the time to give them extra music and art enrichment.
I run the camp in a Montessori-type environment. Each student has a schedule and rotates through different activities during the day.
Group and private activities are included for each student.

Piano practice
Each student practices daily in a private setting with either myself, or my assistant. Depending on whether I have students who are at the same piano levels, they may also have a small group practice session as well.
Here are also some excerpts of groups practicing. The books I use are the Vacation Magic series, by Jane, Lisa and Lori Bastien, and Patriotic songs, or First Songs of My Country, both arranged by Jane Bastien.
Download Patriotic songs
Download Practicing together
Download Vacation magic

Each student has a 30-minute scheduled time for art, although art projects can be worked on throughout the day as well during free time or lunch. Projects this week included, making a collage by using all sorts of random items and gluing them to a piece of old wood, painting jars, frames or rocks, beading, bracelet/necklace making, lanyard making, duct tape projects, and water color.

Each student received two or three sewing lessons given by me! All students were able to sew something with help, using the machine. Projects included making tote bags or pillows.

Each student had one turn to bake cookies for the group. Students rolled out sugar cookie dough and used cookie cutters and cookie decorations to make cookies for our group which we ate together at the end of each day.
Reading Time
Each day after lunch I read aloud to the students. We read several books on different composers in the young composer series of books which I have in my studio. This is a nice time to relax and slow down after lunch and play time outside.
Playtime and Fun!
We have plenty of time left over for playing outside, playing ping pong, Twister, the game of Life, Apples to Apples...and we have a swim and pizza party on our last day. As always, I look forward to holding piano camp again next summer!